mardi 18 novembre 2014


Project backgroun mission, license and download page. Including some screenshots, FAQ and documentation. OpenGroupware bénéficie d'une communauté très active, ainsi que du soutien de l'entreprise qui l'a fait démarrer et qui continue d'offrir une .

SOGo est un collecticiel (ou serveur collaboratif) libre dont l'architecture est axée sur l'extensibilité (en anglais : scalability ) qui permet son utilisation simultanée par des dizaines de milliers d'utilisateurs. OpenGroupware Development of the traditional . Tout comme phpGroupWare ou Open-Xchange, OpenGroupWare est une solution de travail collaboratif pour l'entreprise. Disponible par le biais d'une interface . OGo') project announces its formation and the release today to the worldwide open source development community of its groupware . SOGo (Scalable est un collecticiel (ou serveur collaboratif) libre fondé sur OpenGroupware.

Org is a full-featured groupware server and collaboration platform. OpenGroupware (commonly known as OGo) runs as a daemon, developed . While PDF is intended to provide an entirely portable mechanism for exchange of non-trvial documents. However, in practice documents created by the . Retrouvez toutes nos formations OpenGroupware Préparation à la certification Technologies WEB.

It is comparable to Exchange and SharePoint. Disponible en licence GPL, la solution OpenGroupware se veut la concurrente d'Exchange et de Notes.

Savoir installer OpenGroupware et configurer les différents composants. OpenGroupware Coils Groupware Workflow Solution. This package contains the basic execution environment for the OpenGroupware. Share your calendars, address books and mails in your community with a completely free and open source solution. Scalable Open Groupware (SOGo) is a set of organization and collaboration tools for users and groups to store, share and synchronize their address books, . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, . DAWAN assure des formations OpenGroupware pour les administrateurs : Formation OpenGroupware pour les administrateurs, formations OpenGroupware . OpenGroupware is a full-featured groupware system developed in Objective-C on SOPE . The OGo project is a fully independent open-source . Bonjour, Suite a une mission d'installation d'Opengroupware.

OGo) Knoppix CD is a bootable CD which contains a complete Debian GNU/Linux system, a fully configured OGo . Les serveurs de groupware Open Source Présentation d'OpenGroupware. Préparation de l'installation Installation . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based .

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